Migration trends (1/)

The Migration in Numbers website is a joint project of six institutions - Ministry of the Interior, Statistics Lithuania, Migration Department, State Border Guard Service, Lithuanian Employment Service, European Migration Network (EMN), International Organization for Migration (IOM) Vilnius Office.

This website aims to provide simple, objective, and reliable answers to difficult questions. Only official statistical data is provided on this website. Analysis of trends and figures is provided next to the graphic material to allow visitors to better understand migration processes over time.

Website Migration in Numbers was initiated by the EMN. EMN is a network of EU Member States, Observer Countries and the European Commission that collects, analyzes, and shares current, objective, and comparable information on migration and asylum at the European level. According to government resolution, Lithuania is represented in the network by IOM Lithuania working in close cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and its subordinate institutions. More about EMN.

Reference to the information source of the Migration in Numbers website must be given when citing the information.

EMN National Contact Point in Lithuania

International Organization for Migration Vilnius Office (IOM Lithuania)
Jaksto str. 12, Vilnius
LT-01105 Lithuania

E-mail: emnlithuania@iom.int